
This page contains notes from my various tests and experiments. It is a raw record of what I did, without correction for errors, or later update for things that I learn. Use at your own risk.

ROS2 package demo 19 - template for index.rst

I want to use a template for index.rst.


  • I would like to keep things under generated if possible

But I am finding that is not possible for index.rst. I tried naming the templated result index_generated.rst, and renaming the html file to index.html, but this results in broken home links.

So instead, the convention is if you have a template file, call it .j2 and it will overright the equivalent file.


I’m still struggling with the issue of when to create conf.py, and when to update.

The readme says:

In many cases, C/C++ packages require no configuration, and will work if you simply layout your package in a standard configuration and the tool will do the rest.

However, if you want to provide additional documentation, like a conceptual overview or tutorials, then you will want to provide a Sphinx conf.py file and do that documentation in .rst files using Sphinx.

Looking again at the source, I see I was wrong about one thing. Default index.rst and conf.rst are only created in the generated build directory, not in the user’s doc folder. What does that mean for use of templates?

For now, I’ll just leave it so that conf.py and index.rst get overwritten if the .j2 versions exist.


I’ve added now tags and template_variables to support linking to URLs found in package.xml.


Made more changes. But at this point, the key issue is whether they want to go that direction or not. I added an issue on the main site, for now I’m going to do some other things.