
This page contains notes from my various tests and experiments. It is a raw record of what I did, without correction for errors, or later update for things that I learn. Use at your own risk.

ROS2 package demo 18 - Rebase of rosdoc2 variations

I’ve made quite a mess of all of the variations of rosdoc2. I had hoped that aprotyas would do a rebase of his stuff, but I really need to move on regardless. So let me try to reorganize things to a more coherent structure.

These types of git mods are new to me, so I am learning as I go. I’m going to do these in a copied rkent/rosdoc2 directory so I can start over again easily.

Rebase and fix of aprotyas/build-python-pkg

git checkout aprotyas/build-python-pkg
git rev-parse --short HEAD
# eeaed0d
# I'm going to squash build-python-pkg to a single commit in a new branch prior to rebase
git checkout -b rkent/squashed-build-python-pkg
# Find the common base
git merge-base rkent/squashed-build-python-pkg main
# fa887cbfd1c579209b34f358b78d765404bbd108
git reset --soft fa887cbfd1c579209b34f358b78d765404bbd108
git commit -m "squashed PR #29 - Add support for python-only projects (commit eeaed0d)"
git rebase main
# fix conflicts
git add .
git rebase --continue

That does the rebase. Now I am going to apply my fixes to that PR.

git checkout -b rkent/continue-build-python-pkg
git cherry-pick 81c2a6c
git cherry-pick 4c7c891
git cherry-pick eed8e52
git cherry-pick 6fe3285

Rebase of additional changes

So at this point, rkent/continue-build-python-pkg has rebased changes that could work in a PR, with the same intent as the original PR but with a few fixes. To get to my currently runnign code, I need a few more changes.

Running conf.py in its original location:

git checkout -b rkent/prerun-conf
git cherry-pick 008f8cb

Using templates with conf.py:

git checkout -b rkent/jinja-templates
git cherry-pick 71e1ec7

I tried this out with:

rosdoc2 build -d /tmp/rd/2/build -c /tmp/rd/2/cr -o /tmp/rd/2/output --debug -u /tmp/rd/2/output -p ./fqdemo_nodes
rosdoc2 build -d /tmp/rd/2/build -c /tmp/rd/2/cr -o /tmp/rd/2/output --debug -u /tmp/rd/2/output -p ./fqdemo_sgs
rosdoc2 build -d /tmp/rd/2/build -c /tmp/rd/2/cr -o /tmp/rd/2/output --debug -u /tmp/rd/2/output -p ./

and it seems to work.