This page contains notes from my various tests and experiments. It is a raw record of what I did, without correction for errors, or later update for things that I learn. Use at your own risk.
ROS2 package demo 8 - ros buildfarm scripts
I’ve been off my game writing notes the last few days. Let’s get back to it!
ROS buildfarm and its scripts
Here there is documentation for creating various docs-related jobs on the buildfarm. The intent is to make it easy for people to apply this locally. Let me try to do that with rosdoc2. AFACT the scripts support this, but I have not found any evidence of their actually being used.
The ROS2 Roadmap claims for Humble due in May 2022:
- Documentation: Add Python API support to rosdoc2
- Medium
- Open Robotics
- 4th quarter 2021
- Documentation: Support inter-package linking for rosdoc2 buildfarm jobs
- Small
- Open Robotics
- 1st quarter 2022
- Documentation: Upload C++ API documentation for core packages to docs site
- Medium
- Open Robotics
- 4th quarter 2021
Maybe I could help out? But in any case, my template should/could use standard scripts for generating docs, that would help make sure things are generated according to standards. My goal today is to figure out what those scripts are, and how to use them.
I see in ros_buildfarm/templates/doc/rosdoc2_task.Dockerfile.em that there is a rosdoc2 type in the jobs that is not documented in the .rst file. I also see in 21,21: DOC_TYPE_ROSDOC2 = 'rosdoc2'
in /home/kent/projects/jenkins/private_repos/ros_buildfarm/ros_buildfarm/config/doc_build_file.py alongside DOC_TYPE_ROSDOC = 'rosdoc_lite'
which is documented.
Maybe what I should do is try to run a rosdoc_lite job first, which AFAICT is being actually used to generate stuff, then adapt it to run rosdoc2. That is, from the docs, :
- related to the rosdoc_lite type:
- generate_doc_script.py generates a shell script which will run the same tasks as the doc job for a specific doc repository on a local machine.
So that is my goal, generate_doc_script.py for a rosdoc_lite. Let me try that for a message-only repo.
Oh, great. Installing chef-workstation yesterday broke my github pages jekyll setup. Oh, good, removing it fixed that.
[This] suggests I use a venv to do this stuff. I generally manage without, let me do it that way.
sudo su
pip3 install empy
pip3 install jenkinsapi
pip3 install rosdistro
pip3 install ros_buildfarm
All installed. Docs gives the example:
mkdir /tmp/doc_job
generate_doc_script.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros-infrastructure/ros_buildfarm_config/production/index.yaml indigo default roscpp_core ubuntu trusty amd64 > /tmp/doc_job/doc_job_indigo_roscpp_core.sh
cd /tmp/doc_job
sh doc_job_indigo_roscpp_core.sh
Cool, this is available locally from the install:
kent@ubutower:~/projects/package-template/scripts$ generate_doc_script.py
usage: generate_doc_script.py [-h] [--force]
config_url rosdistro_name doc_build_name repository_name os_name os_code_name
generate_doc_script.py: error: the following arguments are required: config_url, rosdistro_name, doc_build_name, repository_name, os_name, os_code_name, arch
kent@ubutower:~/projects/package-template/scripts$ which generate_doc_script.py
Let me try to get docs for std_msgs. Here is the doxygen result. I want to try to create that. No, let me use a less systemy type, how about radar_msgs?
generate_doc_script.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros-infrastructure/ros_buildfarm_config/production/index.yaml noetic default radar_msgs ubuntu focal amd64 > test.sh
Now I am trying to understand that file. I’m nervous abut the notifications. I have my own ros_buildfarm_config that has purged those, let me try that.
generate_doc_script.py file:/home/kent/projects/package-template/private_repos/ros_buildfarm_config/index.yaml noetic default radar_msgs ubuntu focal amd64 > radar_msgs_noetic.sh
OK I can run that, but it dies because it cannot fine the file with the config. It dies in Build step 8; # BEGIN SECTION: Run Dockerfile - generating doc task. I uess they really want that URL to be accessible using http, which is a pain because it forces me to get the docker file to be able to read my private repo.
I think what I will do temporarily is just move that to a gist, since it does not actually have anything private yet.
Gist url is this
generate_doc_script.py https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rkent/70a29d6316fda664b6377dfa639815f1/raw/71c9dd4d448d02daf877a2744b0be5be79055c0d/index.yaml noetic default radar_msgs ubuntu focal amd64 > radar_msgs_noetic.sh
That did not work, it needs the full repository. I give up, I’m going to make it public for now in spite of their warnings.
generate_doc_script.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rkent/ros_buildfarm_config/production/index.yaml noetic default radar_msgs ubuntu focal amd64 > radar_msgs_noetic.sh
OK that ran, got something interesting here: file:///home/kent/projects/package-template/ws/generated_documentation/api_rosdoc/radar_msgs/html/msg/RadarReturn.html
The next question is where do I put the type of document run to do? Did that get expanded from the “default”?
This is the name under doc_builds in the index.yaml:
default: noetic/doc-build.yaml
released-packages-without-doc-job: noetic/doc-released-build.yaml
The file doc-build.yaml starts with:
%YAML 1.1
# ROS buildfarm doc-build file
canonical_base_url: http://docs.ros.org/en
documentation_type: rosdoc_lite
so that is where the ‘rosdoc_lite’ comes from.
How does this relate to ros2? I found the buildfarm configs
Now I have found where rosdoc2 is being run on rolling packages here!
So what would it take to run the standard script on my package? Let me first run this script using the existing tooling on an existing package.
I added rolling
directory from ros2 ros_buildfarm_config to my repo. Now let me try to create a job, repo ros-perception/image_common:
generate_doc_script.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rkent/ros_buildfarm_config/production/index.yaml rolling default ros-perception/image_common ubuntu focal amd64 > image_common_rolling.sh
Oops, distribution.yaml for rolling is here. Repo is image_common. Try again:
generate_doc_script.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rkent/ros_buildfarm_config/production/index.yaml rolling default image_common ubuntu focal amd64 > image_common_rolling.sh
Script created, try running. Ran to the end, with a few errors:
[rosdoc2] [INFO] Running Sphinx-build: 'sphinx-build -c . default_sphinx_project /tmp/ws/docs_build/camera_info_manager/camera_info_manager/sphinx_output' in 'docs_build/camera_info_manager/camera_info_manager'
Running Sphinx v4.3.1
Configuration error:
There is a syntax error in your configuration file: invalid syntax (<string>, line 26)
but we got as far as image_transport, and this indeed looks like I expect.