
This page contains notes from my various tests and experiments. It is a raw record of what I did, without correction for errors, or later update for things that I learn. Use at your own risk.

ROS2 package demo 12 - Repo format

While trying to organize my workspace template, I see that most repos are organized with packages as the folders. I need to figure out if this is a standard or not.

I’ll check distribution.yaml for a few multi-package repos. ROS index is maybe a better source.

Various package organizations:

  • Mavros
    • separate repos for main, msgs, library.
    • main repo has same name as master repo.
    • the repo has a README and CONTRIBUTING file which is listed on index.ros.org page for the repo.
  • image_pipeline
    • msgs appear to be in separate repo,like ros-perception/vison_msgs
    • image_pipeline has a subdirectory image_piperline which does ament_package(). Not clear what that does. Not clear how meta works.
  • geometry2
    • also has a geometry2 subdirectory.
    • See this PR for how the metapackage is created.
  • ros2_controllers
    • Same thing, a ros2_controllers subdirectory for the meta package.
  • ros2_control
    • Note the metapackage also has a ros2_control.repos file.
    • repo has a /doc directory with Doxyfile and index.rst
  • rmf_battery
    • a single package, package is a subdirectory under repo.
    • docs are at the repo level. This directory also includes a Makefile.
  • cartographer_ros
    • subdirectory cartographer_ros contains nodes
    • separate cartographer_ros_msgs repo
    • documentation in /docs repo on repo, not package folders.
  • ublox
    • subdirectory ublox is meta package.
    • messages in separate ublox_msgs folder.
  • lanelet2
    • lanelet2 subdirectory is metapackage

Clearly rosdoc2 is intended as a package-level documentation generator. The repo level material is only appearing on index.ros.org, which is also the replacement for the wiki.

Re-examine rosindex

I ran rosindex again, still hoping to be able to use the info there to do some basic scrapes. Took most of the day to run.