
This page contains notes from my various tests and experiments. It is a raw record of what I did, without correction for errors, or later update for things that I learn. Use at your own risk.

ROS2 package demo 5 - filling in documentation

Last time, I got an initial Doxygen config working. In the meantime, I found various ways to beautify Doxygen.

VSCode ROS2 Workspace Template

I also reviewed and am impressed by the VSCode ROS2 Workspace Template which has very similar goals to what I am working on here. I’m going to try that, and consider moving my demo to a fork of that workspace.

That repo is designed to run in Docker. OK, I’ll try that feature.

ROS2 distribution

Config files also point to foxy. No, I wanted later. Might as well switch to rolling now. Installing.

The althack/ros2 images on hub.docer.com do not support rolling. I pulled the underlying Dockerfile for galactic, and modified it to support rolling. Checked in to https://github.com/rosdabbler/vscode_ros2_workspace branch rolling.

Documentation support

That repo template has support for documentation generation. I need to understand what it is doing, and see if that is the path that I want. Looking that over, Mkdocs Simple Plugin claims to make documentation from source files - but I have none. So change paths, let’s instead redo fqdemo using this repo as a base.

Adaptation to fqdemo

So how do I do this? Looking over the template, this workspace is designed to replace fqdemo. I’m going to start a new repo, which I’ll call fqdemo-ws, using VSCode ROS2 Workspace Template as a starting point.

OK done, changed rep to rolling, added fqdemo subrepos, commit and push to branch rolling. Let me see what works or not.

Finding C++ includes

This line in demo_sub_pub.cpp has the red squiggle “not found”:

#include "fqdemo_nodes/demo_sub_pub.hpp"

I see that is also failing in old ws, I think I solved it by sourcing the workspace install before I opened VSCODE.

After some playing, it seemed to start working. I think you have to build the workspace for it to work.


Trying debug on C++. Seems to work.

Trying debug on Python. I modified PySubPub.py to run as main. Now I can run it locally, but when I try to run under the debugger I get:

Exception has occurred: RCLError
Failed to create publisher: type_support is null, at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-rolling-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp-1.0.0/src/rmw_node.cpp:2007, at /tmp/binarydeb/ros-rolling-rcl-4.0.0/src/rcl/publisher.c:116
  File "/workspaces/fqdemo_ws/src/fqdemo_nodes/fqdemo_nodes/PySubPub.py", line 31, in __init__
    self.publisher = self.create_publisher(NumPwrResult, 'power_result', 10)
  File "/workspaces/fqdemo_ws/src/fqdemo_nodes/fqdemo_nodes/PySubPub.py", line 62, in main
    pySubPub = PySubPub()
  File "/workspaces/fqdemo_ws/src/fqdemo_nodes/fqdemo_nodes/PySubPub.py", line 68, in <module>

I’m going to pursue this later, for now I would rather work on documentation issues.


I see that she wrote Mkdocs Simple Plugin which extracts comments from source files. That is a fairly narrow choice, with Doxygen being much more common (and presumably robust). I think I’ll focus there instead.

rosdoc_lite talks about how to document ROS packages - but is not going to be updated for ROS2.

Per Package Documentation Proposal is discussed in that PR. Also https://github.com/ros2/design/blob/gh-pages/articles/per_package_documentation.md

1.5 Package documentation must be written and formatted in rst (reStructuredText)

Rst is the file format currently utilized by the ROS 2 documentation. Package documentation should continue to utilize rst for consistency.

Doxygen will produce API docs for any C++ code it is run on, and the maintainer has the option to further elaborate on their API docs by including Doxygen comment blocks within their source code.

Once Doxygen is completed, or if it never ran because the tool did not find any doxyfile or C++ code, the tool will proceed to running Breathe and Sphinx.

Breathe imports the symbols from Doxygen’s output to Sphinx. It will allow C++ API docs to be built by Sphinx to maintain consistency across ROS 2 API docs and allow cross-referencing between all packages.

So it looks like they are pretty set on .rst for package documentation. I guess I am going to have to learn that. But for now, let me do what I think is a decent job of documenting the source using Doxygen.