Class DemoSubPub
Defined in File demo_sub_pub.hpp
Class Documentation
class DemoSubPub : public Node
A demonstration of a simple ROS2 node that raises numbers to a power and root
This node is used as a demo of how to setup a folder for a package, including various things like documentation and testing. The node itself listens to a custom message that contains a number and an exponent, then publishes a message with the number taken to the power and root of that exponent.
Topics Subscribed: /num_power (fqdemo_msgs.msg.NumPwrdata). Publishes a message to /power_result after message is received.
Topics Published: /power_result (fqdemo_msgs.msg.NumPwrResult). A zero-valued message is published periodically. A message with appropriate values is published in response to a /num_power message.