Class DemoSubPub

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rclcpp::Node

Class Documentation

class DemoSubPub : public rclcpp::Node

A demonstration of a simple ROS2 node that raises numbers to a power and root

This node is used as a demo of how to setup a folder for a package, including various things like documentation and testing. The node itself listens to a custom message that contains a number and an exponent, then publishes a message with the number taken to the power and root of that exponent.

@rstb Topics Subscribed**: num_power (type :py:class:NumPwrData): Publishes a message to topic /power_result after message is received. @endrst

Topics Published: power_result (type @rst NumPwrResult @endrst ). A zero-valued message is published periodically. A message with appropriate values is published in response to a /num_power message.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~DemoSubPub()
void topic_callback(const fqdemo_msgs::msg::NumPwrData::SharedPtr msg)

called whenever a NumPwrData message is received.


msg[in] The message

void timer_callback()

called periodically to generate a default response

Public Members

rclcpp::Subscription<fqdemo_msgs::msg::NumPwrData>::SharedPtr subscriber_

subscription object for NumPwrData messages

rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_

periodic timter to generate some active output even if nothing incoming

rclcpp::Publisher<fqdemo_msgs::msg::NumPwrResult>::SharedPtr publisher_

publishes the results of apply_powers on the incoming message

size_t count_

counter used to display number of timer messages sent

Public Static Functions

static std::tuple<double, double> apply_powers(const double_t number, const double exponent)

Generate the root and power of a number.

  • number – base value we want to take to a power or root

  • exponent – the exponent for the power or root